

Marketing wisdom in every aisle! But where did the name really come from?

My dad owned “Marn’s Market” — a small, independent grocery store in Cleveland, Ohio. He carried lots of different products, and he served lots of different customers in the neighborhood. He even  delivered!  Frank Marn was the ultimate nice guy who treated everyone with respect and kindness, even when he had to  “trust them” for the money. (And sometimes not get it.)

This particular son is an ad guy, freelance copywriter, university professor, and comedian. And something of a smart alec who struggles to be as kind as his father. I’d like this blog to be a bit eclectic; to carry posts on advertising, business, interesting stories and facts I come across, and lots of different things. A little like my dad’s store. And in the end, I hope I’ve borrowed more from it than just the name.

Mike Marn

  1. Great blog, Mike. It’s long overdue. Wisdom with a sense of humor! I can’t wait to read more.

    • Thank you, ma’am. I’ll try to live up to that high praise. (And, as you know, I’m so prompt and organized you can expect new posts to appear like clockwork. Or at least sundialwork.)

  2. I know Mike Marn, and so even before I read any of the entries on this newly launched blog all I have to say is: CLEAN UP ON AISLE 4!

    • Hey, finally a comment I actually considered blocking! I suppose at Klar’s Market, the shelves would be neat and organized; mostly because there’d be such a narrow range of merchandise. (And only a privileged few would be allowed in the front door, anyway.)

  3. You mean Klar’s Emporium don’t you?
    As a self-proclaimed comedian you need to be able to take a joke. Like me, yeah right!
    Still haven’t read any of the entries in full-length, but I am intrigued. I will be back.

  4. First,let me know if you get this. I’m new at blogging. I know this guy and his Dad.Ive been in the store. I have fond memories.
    There was a lot more than buying and selling there. It was a great place to meet and gather. There was a lot of sharing. I hope that is what happens here. I am a Marn

  5. I like it. Look forward to participating!

  6. Mike, First I’ve seen it and I really liked your memory of Dad. I will continue to read this too. Another Marn “Older Bro Don.

  7. I’m NOT a Marn, but I wish I could have visited Frank Marn’s store and met Frank Marn. He left behind a great family. And this is a great blog (actually the first I’ve ever seen). I’ll check in again, Mike!

  8. Wow…Marn’s Market sounds like a nice place on Kewanee Avenue to “flip” baseball cards with the Gliha’s and buy a 16 oz Pepsi in a glass bottle for 16 cents (plus a 2 cent deposit). I’ll bet the store even had it’s own smokehouse in the back for smoking Slovenian sausages. Now, “go long and cut behind Kausek’s car. I’ll hit you with the pass”…..don’t worry: you’ll be done in time to deliver the Cleveland Press. Say hello to Mr. Radey for me…….T Rot

    • Holy cr**! Hi, Terry! Wasn’t it your yard we played some of the “smaller” games in, with Mrs. Kausek between us?!! (I mean, when we didn’t go down to Travnikar’s Lot?) Quite a memory you’ve got there! Wonder if I’d have remembered Mr. Radey’s name!!! OK – what was the youngest Gliha’s name, and what did we call him? (Not a hard question, but it didn’t seem fair to ask which window I put out of my own house above the store by throwing a baseball through it!) And remember the Troha’s – Billy down the street, and Rickie, Ray, and, Milan (I think it was) over on Shawnee?

      Boy, when I come back to town and drive down Kewanee, I’m always amazed – it felt so much bigger and open when we were there! Thanks for checkin’ in – it was fun reading your comment!

      • Hey Mike…..Good to hear from you so quickly….what games DIDN”T we play in our yard??? Wiffle ball, kick ball, football, flashlight wars, you name it. Speaking of smaller, Travnikar’s is still there but it’s really gotten smaller (or we’ve gotten bigger!!) Re: youngest Gliha was Ray…the only name I heard him called was Ray-Ray or was it Pudge??? Re: Troha’s….I remember Billy and his devious laugh. I heard a rumor that “Mouse” (David) has passed away from a heart attack at age 42. Anything on that??? Re: Troha’s on Shawnee (which is now a parking lot BTW)…I remember Rocky, older brother Rich (who I still see on occasion and Maggie and Rosalie…Re: Kewanee….yep it sure has gotten “smaller” but it was a lot of fun growing up there. Joy Gliha is still in the old house. Nobody left except her. My 83 year old Mom finally moved out about two years ago to a retirement community on East 200th Street. She loves it. How often do you get back to town??? If you’ve got any old pictures that you can scan and send, that would be great. More later… direct email is

  9. It only took me 13 years to discover this blog, but it certainly aged as well as a David & Chuck Wood commercial.

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